of the stock's push melissa arm and israel has closed the only kerschl point of entry into the gaza strip some say it's economic warfare alex the pilot it's just the details plus we take a look at the twenty eighteen computer attacks and cyber security with russia pressed the senior director of intelligence services at cyber reason all that ahead but first we get some headlines researchers at the international monetary fund or i.m.f. have said that continuing international trade tensions could reduce global economic output by half a percent by twenty twenty at a loss of an estimated four hundred thirty billion dollars the i.m.f. latest update to the world economic outlook warns the last could be that significant if quote current trade policy. threats are realized and business confidence falls as a result the new york times estimated last week that the additional cost from trade tensions for average american household will be one hundred twenty seven dollars also notably warned the united states a heavy export is especially vulnerable to retaliation in such a scenario where other nations c