kesho, eh? you mean he's gonna give you all that? kesho ain't gonna give you nothin'! now don't you forget it! we're gonna have to burn a few villages. and we're gonna have to kill n'duma. n'duma? oh, n'duma, ain't he the one that testified against you? oh, come on now, you're not gonna go off and put your head in a noose just to get even d. if you have him, you can kill tarzan. well, you're really beginning to help me, huh? i expect you to reciprocate. i need guns and provisions! a half-hour trek from here, a small hunting party where everything you want is waiting for you. well, let's go. ? hello, chaps! (chanting foreign language) a thief catcher? why? petty thefts, jaga t t chief decided to return to the past. ? the thief... the thief! what brings you to the village? crandell has escaped. you came all this way to tell me that news, why? in his trial, you testified against him. but you caught him and he swore he'd kill you? be wise if you came in where it's safe, at least until crandell is caught. did you u ink i'd run and hide? no one's doubting your courage. well,