ketara salani, bob bennett and sheila ganz >> hello, my name is steven jaffey, i am a lawyer here in san francisco, tomorrow is the 43rd anniversary of me being sworn in. i am also the father of a consumer for almost 20 years of mental health services. you are going to hear a lot of thought about beliefs and opinions. i would like to stick to what are undisputed facts and i'm going to make two points because i know my time is very short. you are going to hear laura's law criminalizes mental illness. that is false. there is nothing in laura's law with any tinge of any criminalization of any conduct. it is no more criminal than our conservatorship laws. you don't here people with dementia or their families arguing alzheimer's or dementia is criminalized because the courts get involved in creating or enforcing conservatorships. laura's law is no different. it operates the same way. the second point i want to make, and this has to do with civil rights versus medical necessity, you are going to hear mentally ill people have a right to refuse treatment and medication. competent people have