your materials to the analysis, but i wanted to clarify that that analysis was never submitted ketubah hud for approval. it was withdrawn. thank you. president olague: thank you. was there additional public comment? >> my name is patricia. it was mentioned -- and nothing was mentioned concerning ada. they have been required to have four ada rooms. unfortunately, the drawings showed that the rooms are not in compliance. if you notice in the accessibility rooms, the bathrooms have or you can come in and come straight. but according to federal and state law and city law, you have to have a space between the toilet and the sink for the wheelchair to go back so that they can lift themselves on to the toilet, and it just is not there. also, there is no ada on the third floor. and according to the law, there should be compliance, at least access, to the third floor. there's nothing worse than a young 20-year-old being on the second floor, hearing a party of their friends on the third floor. nepa should be considered because it supersedes the state, and they have been trying to avoid this. there w