. >> reporter: just up the street, we find keva van winkel living inside another camper. >> my abode.> reporter: she says she and her boyfriend lost their home more than a year ago. >> the owners came in and doubled the rent. they evicted us. >> reporter: now she rents this camper from a friend. >> $100 a month. >> reporter: and you have a little dog, your dog? >> he's protective. yes, that's shorty. >> reporter: what is it like living in this space? >> it's uncomfortable. uncomfortable. i try to keep it as clean as i can. there's nowhere to park for the trailers and motor homes. >> reporter: are always having to be on the move every day? >> harassed all the time. >> reporter: how long have you been living in this trailer? >> for approximately four months now. before that, we were living in cars. we were staying here and there. >> reporter: throughout san jose, there are an estimated 4,000 homeless people. some of whom seek shelter in the 140 miles of creek and riverbeds. we found this massive pile of garbage apparently left over from one such encampment. >> they go deep in because th