chef kevin adey, welcome to "the dish." >> thank you. >> glad to have you here. >> my pleasure. >> tell> rye loaf and a cawley flower salad. >> we must ask you about the drink. >> the drink is rye and ginger. it's the bushwick buck with a little mary she noe and topped off with soda. it's delicious. >> it's fantastic. >> you started out initially wanting to be a teacher, is that true? >> that's true. my old man was a teacher. >> what did he teach? >> he taught history. that's where i got my love of history from. it ended up not being the true love of my life, so into the kitchen i went. >> where does this love of cooking come from for you? >> mostly growing up in an italian family, you know, watching my great aunts and grandmother cook, you know, from a very young age, watching toma bread and pasta, you know, roast peppers, just kind of fell in love with it then. >> by the time you got to college, you were cooking intensely. >> in college, those years, i worked at -- on campus dining, so it was a little less intense. >> not fine dining. >> not fine dining. i worked in place where the kn