. >> kevin bankston is senior counsel and director of the free expression project at the center for democracy and technology. mr. bankston is a long-time advocate and litigator on privacy, civil liberties, and internet policy matters. mr. bankston and the center for democracy and technology organized and led the coalition of companies and civil liberties groups that call for greater transparency and that now is advocating passage of this bill. paul rosensweig is the founder of red branch consulting, a national security consulting company, and a senior adviser to the chertoff group. in 2005 to 2009 he served as deputy assistant secretary for policy in the department of homeland security. also teaches at george washington university law school. richard salgado is google's director for information security and law enforcement matters. he served as a federal prosecutor in the computer crime and intellectual property section of the department of justice where he specialized in technology-related privacy crimes. he has taught at stanford law school, georgetown university law center, and george maso