. >> sir, sir, this is kevin baum from cnn. following up on that point, you are also entertaining supporting challengers to incumbents who have not been supportive of the tea party versus just supporting people who have been supportive of the tea party? >> take the tea party out of that question, say will we support folks that challenge people we think vote wrong and have not been helpful? sounds like a good idea. >> so are you committing to do that or are you looking at it. >> sounds like a good idea. yeah? >> jim with a.p.. >> nice to see you. >> regarding the upcoming debt ceiling debate, you said the nation cannot default on its debts, you also said there's a demand to address entitlements, do you see dealing with entitlements as a precondition of that debt ceiling debate, or do you see it moving on a separate track? i had a follow up. >> that was a good question. we'll have a debate on the debt. so we did a little research. and round numbers, you know, in the last 30 years, we had 50 -- over 50 deals where they had go out