film -- a kevin burns -- ken burns film. you can get closer to the truth as long as you understand the history will always be changing. there will be new discoveries based on new evidence, interpretation. >> i would add that this notion that history is written by the victors is lovely but definitely not true and it is mostly not true in the united states, because the north won the civil war, but the south wrote the history of the civil war, birth of a nation and gone with the wind. postulating that a homegrown terrorist organization, like our own al qaeda or isis, were actually the heroes of a post-civil war moment, when in fact, the exact opposite is true. and it has taken us generations to undo that and to begin to include other competing narratives and the loudest voice in all of this is not the truth or a complicated narrative, but you are taking our history away. >> this is a related question that i was not planning on getting into until later, but let's dig in. this idea of a lost cause. you says it takes a generation