his name is kevin callahan, and the company is pioneering technology. here's kevin callahan.evin callahan, we have a very interesting entrepreneurial story with pioneering technology, but i want to go back to an anecdote which some people... it will ring a bell with a lot of people, because it may have happened to them: fire in the kitchen. something we all fear, and sometimes we face, and it starts pretty stupidly, except this particular fire took place in the home of a nasa engineer named dr. shah - reza shah - born in india. and it led to a lot of things, so i'll let you take the story from there. - well, dr. shah was quite an interesting man, very interesting life, unfortunately since passed away. but in the early days, he spent probably about 20 years working with high-tech companies all over the world, including nasa, doing some very interesting things. in fact, when i first met him, i said, "can't you keep a job?" but he was a man who liked to move on after he'd completed a project to do other things. he was never necessarily happy in one place. but he was at home one