amy: kevin de leon, your senate president of california. thoughts on this first call of bernie sanders to immediately remove -- that donald trump should immediately remove steve bannon, who has just appointed to be a senior adviser on all issues you're concerned about? >> i think it is of grave concern that if you have anyone in the white house who has direct access to the most powerful man in the world, an individual who is perceived to be anti-semitic, an individual who has used social media and digital media manipulative ways to be divisive. immigrants who come from all over and want to make something of themselves, to have someone who would be the chief strategist, the mastermind if of deep concern. this is a really negative message throughout the world that you have someone who has a history and a practice of dividing and pitting one people against another. that is not what america is about. that is not what the american people are about. i can tell you as the youngest child of a single immigrant mother with other great education, it u