the next thing we did was we had meetings with erica and our local police chief kevin dylan and talked about safety issueses. we said, what are the thipgs we need to know about what not just the fire department needs and doesn't need after a disaster but how to support you what we can rely on you for or not rely on you for. we don't know if we will be there for you. through those discussions we realized that we needed to come up with a decentralized plan. we developed the block captain program. one nert and one faith person trained on every block. it's someone who's familiar to you who will knock on your door and know that there is a senior that lives in there and speaks russian. neither of the people may need assistance. say the senior who speaks russian will feel isolated and look for a familiar face in all the chaos and the person who uses the wheel chair may need someone to help them get their battery charged after the event. decentralizing it making so everyone can contribute. you probably know the neighborhood and know the people who don't belong in the neighborhood and wandering