i'm joined by kim lawton, managing editor of this program, kevin eckstrom, editor of religion news service and rachel zoll, national religion writer for the associated press, who's with us from new york. welcome to you all. kim, underneath all the data, do you see a message? >> well, there's definitely a message for, i think, the republican party and the religious right that those old faith-based coalitions that won elections aren't winning those elections any more. i mean, you had evangelicals did an unprecedented mobilization. they came out to the polls and they voted more for republicans than they have in previous elections even. you had, when you break out by race, almost 60% of white catholics going for romney and still those two together weren't enough to tip the election and that's different than previous elections and believe me that's making many of the people inside the religious right, but also inside the republican party, taking notice. >> rachel, in new york, did you see any pattern or message in all that data? >> i think one of the messages is a growing acceptance for mormons