april san diego, the city councilmember was appoint today serve out the remainder of the term for kevin faulconer who is the new mayor of san francisco. that appointee will not be running in that future election. we imagine that a legislative aide for a former supervisor or another city employee would be well suited to serve as interim supervisor. who would not be running in the special election, but there are many people who are qualified and the qualifications that you have for running for supervisor in any district are endless and there are endless number of people who could work very well to fill those positions. electionses are a great way to determine and allowing the voter to decide, a great way to determine how these vacancies get filled. ensuring legislation we paractionv to [speaker not understood] whether that person could return to another city job after that person's term is finished. supervisors currently are proceeded from seeking other city employment after the term of one year of office. i believe we can make an exception for someone who serves only 3 to 4 months in an interim su