joining me now is kevin geiss, the deputy assistant secretary for energy at the department of the air force. he worked on alternative fuels and helped save more than one billion dollars and welcome and congratulations to you. >> thank you, jeffrey. >> brown: so first i want to ask how does a person save a billion dollars? in layman's term, what did you do? >> well, it takes innovation and dedication across the entire department of the air force. we have men and women who are pilots, aviators, civil engineers in jobs across the air force who come up with good ideas that we then demonstrate, build business cases and bring to the forefront that we can execute across the air force to save those dollars. >> brown: in your case what was the problem you were trying to solve? >> jeffrey, we spend in the air force about $9 billion a year on jet fuel and utilities for our installations. that's two and a half billion gallons of fuel. so when you look at what the big bills are in the air force, fuel and energy is one of those. so as my office-- which owns energy policy-- looked at the challenge,