going into politics and with us again is kevin hagen i say again because kevin who was incarcerated for twenty eight years was released in two thousand and eleven from san quentin where rico probably impact program that stands for incarcerated men putting away childish things i say again because i interviewed kevin when he was a prisoner at san quentin hill who you're writing to writing to writing to everybody because we hope to for me i hope the book hits home on a number of levels obviously the book is for individuals who are are incarcerated or soon to be released specifically but but but on the bigger picture the bigger note putting this issue to everyone saying you know many of us are in mental prisons or in prisons not made of iron bars particularly with regard to our system of incarceration our mass incarceration crisis and what do you mean by childish things well i mean have a tendency to revert back to what they know what they know where they come from especially kids come in the men coming from certain hudes and stuff like that if this way you want to put it they don't know ho