. >> the bunk and lock boxes belong to daunte francis and his bunk mate, kevin houck. >> i think theye're getting high. >> what do you think? >> i think we'll find out. >> coming up -- >> write it down on a piece of paper. >> houck and francis are put to the test. >> this is a dip test, testing for four different drugs today, cocaine, amphetamines, thc and barbiturates. >> later, troy wagner seeks some answers to his problems. >> one of the books i had ordered was called "prayers that rout demons and break curses." fresher dentures, for the ♪best first impression. love loud, live loud, polident. ♪ fresher dentures... ...for those breathless moments. hug loud, live loud, polident. ♪ and when you bundle your home and auto insurance through progressive, you'll save a bundle! [ laughs ] jamie. right. make a bad bundle joke, a buck goes in the jar. i guess that's just how the cookie bundles. now, you're gonna have two bundles of joy! i'm not pregnant. i'm gonna go. [ tapping, cash register dings ] there you go. [ buzzing ] bundle bee coming! it was worth it! saving you a bundle when you bu