supervisor kim: next, we have kevin joseph, then jamie brewster. is kevin joseph here? if not, jamie brewster. >> good afternoon, supervisors. thank you for this opportunity. my name is jamie brewster, and i am a program manager at the reconstruction solar training program, where have been employed just over six years. i was also recently appointed to the work force advisory committee by former supervisor daly. in 1995, a graduate from state prison. i did at 3 terms and to violations before getting my life together and back on track. in 2001, i was discharged from parole and never looked back. by help people enter society and be successful in life. if given the application is serve, i will do everything in my power to help those in need. but i just want to say that i dedicate my life to assisting those who have been down the path i have been down. it is extremely important to me. i died individuals down the right road, and that is why i am here. -- it is extremely important that i died individuals down the right road and that is why i'm here. supervisor kim: thank you.