. >>> the author you may not have heard of but you might have seen his work is kevin kallaugher, the editorial cartoonist for the economist. how did you come up with the idea of putting all of your work into a book? >> this year celebrated my 35th year with the economist magazine. i thought this would be a great opportunity to pull everything together. and i did an unconventional way that is becoming more and more available and i use kickstart her as a way to use raise money for the book and i raised $100,000 presold 1800 copies of 46 different countries and published this book myself and i'm having a great time traveling the country and selling it. >> it's self published quick. >> i have done books before but self-publishing when you are an artist is you can then make it exactly the way you want. you can get at the paper quality you want, designed the way you want him to choose the cartoons you want and get your best friends to be the editor said it was a great experience. a. >> on the cover is this an original drawing just for the quick. >> it is. this puts together all of the kook