. >> kevin kay wood, cathy buric and niekol green and, amber bower, and brenda baros. >> great. >> good afternoon, supervisors, thank you very much, for holding this hearing and so that we could discuss this very important and much needed legislation. and my name is gus and i am here today with the california nurse's association and i am also a res did he resident of district eight and we are patient advocates and a critical component is assuring affordable access to quality healthcare what we have heard today is the legislation that reviewed today is that they are essentially wanting to wait and look at more review and get more information and if we do not act now, we are going to see tens of thousand ands of low income san franciscos being kicked out and left to fend for they feelselfs and as stished is extremely unaffordable. and that means that more families being muches most likely being pushed out of the city and pubt to really harsh and difficult financial situations. and we frankly as an organization of patient advocates who know the upon theser and the impacts of not having acc