joining me now is kevin kiley, california state rep and congressional to see you tonight, thank you for joining us. i have such great affection for california, i'm a member of the california bar i lived out there for a while as a young associate at a law firm and i spent a lot of time in california, a lot of family there. is california and the model? should be the model for the rest of the country? >> gavin newsom thinks so and thanks for having me tonight. he said again and again california is a model for the nation and what you just said, california has so much going for it, i love california had a lot of people who are leaving love california too. they just hate the politics. you mentioned how it's all about control and it reminded me of what gavin newsom said on april 1st of 2020, this was less than a month in to the whole covid situation. he said this was an opportunity for a new progressive era, opportunity to reshape the way we do business in the way we govern, he said that out loud and this was a chance just fast forward his entire progressiv