alan, kevin kitchingham, kevin vallen, diane smith. >> good evening. i'm the ceo of emerit goodman and associates. we own the building that will be the most impacted of this project, cathedral hill. the emerit goodman building, probably the oldest wood frame building of san francisco. survived earthquake and fire because it was on the west side of van ness. we renovated after eight years of development and construction in 1985, serving residences and businesses for the last 25 years. your staff presented you, which i saw for the first time today, an august 27th four-page executive summary. i didn't hear any reference to that. in the executive summary it mentions the significant unmitigated environmental impacts and those are the items which should have been dressed in the d.i.r. is, how those impacts which, from an economic sense are called external costs. external costs mean the simplest example is pollution where you'd have a polluting facility putting dust and pollution in people's houses. and that's an external cost instead of the old days before t