host: kevin kosar was a guest a short while ago. responding tweets online. ody asking about -- here is kevin's response. australia and ireland have managed to rank-choice voting for a long time. there are districts in the u.s. that are hapless and might goof it up. still to come on "washington journal." we talk to politicaleporters in new hampshire, south carolina about the latest on camign 2024. th presidential contest in those states. e you satisfied with the presidential field? you can start calling on topic. (202) 748-8000 for democrats. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. fo independents and others, (202) 748-8002. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ >> tonight on q, historian and political contributor joshua zeitz talks about the impact faith had on america's 16th president. he contends as a young man, abraham lincoln was skeptical of organized religion but later as president came to embrace the power of protestant evangelicalism. >> he learned to be fairly faithless about this. we learned as late as 1850 eight, the local presbyterian minister in springfield, illino