in 2009 kevin kun cannon was nominated by president obama and c confirmed by the u.s. senate to serve as undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services at the usda. fncs has the principle responsibilities and funding authority for the food and nutrition service, which feeds one in four americans. it also has responsibilities for promoting healthful diets through policy and promotion, which i'm sure everybody in this room knows, is responsible with hhs for the dietary guidelines. our second speaker is dr. william dooets, he's the director of the division of nutrition, physical activity, and obesity at the centers for disease control and prevention in atlanta. prior to his appointment to the cdc, he was a professor of pediatrics at the toughs university school of medicine and at the floating hospital of new england medical center, i'm sorry, the floating hospital of new england medical centers hospitals. and for those of you who have been watching either weight of the nation last week or having watching hbo, you know he's played an important role in all of that