hilton look at us once. >> the next day, the judge released kevin. >> good luck, mr. kynese don't come back. >> i won't. >> good. >> outside, kevin met his grandmother and that the local media. >> i am innocent, there has got to be a guilty party. >> wears justice for your mother and all of this? >> i'm hoping coming, so that way justice is served for my mother. >> the fifth amendment inhibits double jeopardy, so kevin can face charges in this case again, but bill could. >> i would like the prosecutor to ask the sheriff's office to reinvestigate diane kyne's death. >> that is silly, i would love to be the defense attorney on that case. there's no way bill kyne would be convicted, there evidence did not show that, but the evidence shows that kevin did it. >> who is this guy? >> kevin kyne is a name on paper. that man is not a kyne, and he is not my family. >> wears justice for diane in all this? >> kevin did serve some time in prison, and i don't believe that diane would even want him to serve life in prison for her murder. me to be. >> what do we make of the mind boggling