went five years in a federal prison and is now working for the other side joining me now is kevin mitnick himself who's the author of ghost in the wires and information security consultant thanks for joining me kevin i want to you know a lot of thanks i want to go to law break more on the strategy that these companies are and issued into the war hackers what is this that methodology well this is a technology called honeypots and it's been around for quite some time and this is where companies either acquire or they build systems that appear to be the whole juicy information to attract the to attract the attackers and that that way they could monitor and kind of profile how they're getting into this is to try to identify where they're coming from and this is been around for for quite some time kevin how did you go from being the one you know once known as the most wanted hacker and the country to working for the other side well after i was arrested and i was in prison for quite some time is that in pretrial detention for about four and a half years and i finally finally settled the case wi