kevin phillips is coming out request 1775 this december, and what kevin do he debunks myha retindns looks at 1775 as the pivotal year when all the assents and come flicks re hng liwe vi us k phillips, it's very nuanced, meticulous research. it will be controversial as many of kevin's books are so -- >> well, if viewers are fans of kevin phillips, kevin phlips d ouine pam ookrgndch e s oin phillips, just go to the search function in the upper left-hand corner. carolyn coleburn, i want today ask you, also, about another book that's coming out, and this is mike lofgren's book, "the >> psr, aove" ktiaytll ssow rli went crazy, the democrats became useless, and the middle class got shafted." so the subtitle says it all. and mike lofgren, as many of re jla lltnsnow, is a 2ar what's wrong with our government. >> is that coming out before the election? >> it's coming out early august, just in time for all the conventions anbefore the election, yeah. >> carynare, isa atrry? yero dgeri f "american lady." it is a biography on susan mary alsop, true american aristocrat. she was married to joe alsop, g