commissioners, as brad mentioned my name is jack and i am with forest city and happy to be joined today by kevin ratner who is the head of the west coast for the company and before i go into sort of reminding us of the vision that has been put forward, i would like to in case of opportunity does not present itself at the end, thank all of the people who have been involved way frankly beyond even forest city's involvement that includes you all, executive director moyer and the great team of staff from the port and from the mayor's office and the central water front advisory group and all of the stake holders from the neighborhood and folks that were on the site today and including the new tenants and so what i would like to do just to set the stage for the presentation of the terms that this basic deal structure is share the vision that came out of the research that we have done, both for pier 70 as well as the other project that we are moving forward in san francisco, the five-man project that came out of the community out reach and the input that we got through that process. and maybe a place to start