richardson. we would like to say and echo what kevin just said that we are incredibly pleased and commend the department and the urban ag program. we think that they have made significant and meaningful progress in this first year; which we're really happy about it. we would also like to see an annual report and having recognized that, we would like to see updates on the work plan, the goals and the budget for the coming year. and we would like to see that, if possible, at one of the rpd commission hearings. and we feel like this could be tool to promote the good work that the rec and park is doing. my last point, we understand that the coordinator position is fully funded for the coming year. and we would like to thank the department officially for incorporating this position into its budget. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> if we could get everyone to turn off their electronic-sounding devices, please. [ reading speakers' names ] come on up. >> hello. my name is maggie. and i am the program manager at garden for the environment, san francisco's public teaching garden. for 25 years we ha