now we have kevin, kevin roane here, who has written this very, very good book. churchill and the bomb. so one of my grandfather's best quotations, and there are so many to choose from, is this one. the further backward we can look, the further forward you are likely to see. we think most of us, that history is past. done and dusted. over with. just a memory. but history has a way of coming back to bite us. as ronald reagan said, here we go again. i remember when the cold war was over. but then it wasn't. i remember further back when people were scared of the a-bomb and then worse of the h-bomb. and now today, the specter of nuclear war has once again reared its ugly head. kevin roane is professor of modern history at canterbury, christchurch university in the united kingdom. he has written quite a few books, one on vietnam and one is coming out very shortly on anthony eden. and that will be a very interesting one because he had such a long history with grand papa. he is working on now something that i'm really, really longing to get my hands on, but it's not phy