i was reading a book by kevin trudy and it went in to the statement that she made aot the hring ewenlbyi n congress and the pharmaceutical companies. what do you think about the idea of revitalizing th oof tusmeints country? because that is revising herbal options in that sort of thing to help with curinillnes >> ia ve iesti es. noarfh fdeor u're alluding to. but the question about alternative complementary is very interesting because earlier today were discussing this very issue. my take on t is tht rne comey direy rne anr rd ovntl medicine. so the demarcation between the two is actually artificial. i actually to me, not to most people, but i actually view it not tween alteativd complementary andcvo l t s w n'rk mthkeyo distinction. and to know what works, one has to test vigoously. there is one sentiment that they don't have to goto western-style testing inrd to be huf. n'rethta interestingly, neither does germany. if you look at germany they have a long tradition of testing complementary medications. they have a really good body of idence n forome gs at odcoen hitt t andoneo . we need