i know i talked to kevin truitt about this a couple of years ago, and supervisor walton and i visited balboa and a couple of other high schools several years ago, city is not a place for people to go. once you go to city, you get stuck there, you can transfer, you can't succeed. i was participating in a class on wednesday, james chase's class at john o'connell. and one of the students actually asked what it means to go to city because she heard once you go to city, you get stuck and you don't leave. and she was told that by a counselor. and we can have the best videos, we can have the best fliers, but if there's this misinformation maybe -- and i don't know how to classify it, maybe, but counselors, that city is not the place for people to go, then that is a problem we need to figure out how to address. maybe it was part of the accreditation process. maybe it was especially students of color getting stuck in remedial math and english, which we have addressed by ab 705, which immediately places all students in college-level math and english courses. i know we're doing a breakfast again