kevin yoder is a republican of kansas. he's "outfront" and member of the appropriations committee. you say to secretary geithner's bid? >> i don't think it's a serious proposal. it's not the type of balanced approach the president's spoken about and i don't think it's the type of thing that's going to get our economy going again. it's just not that type of balance the american people are looking for. whey too high on taxes. not nearly enough on spending reductions. >> the president has said all the way along, if i give you a dollar of revenue, if you guys give me a dollar of revenue, that's $3 trillion in spending cuts. he's coming in with 400, so would you try to get him to 3 trillion here or try to bring down the revenue number? >> well, i think you have to bring down the revenue number. we are not going to tax and spend our way back into economic prosperity in this country. we are going to have to work together. i think most americans are tired of seeing the partisanship and debates. i'm pleased the speaker's up at the white house to find a solution. most people want certainty,