and the poemps these despicable crimes must be prosecuted in response to president keyer and agree to produce a zero tolerance presidential decree against rape and sexual against rape and sexual exploitation by armed forces. kier, other members of the cabinet and his defense minister sup suchsuch such a decre perpetrators that may they be punished for their actions, but it places the government on the lip line line to enforce s. tthe u.n. commissioner for hum abusabuses accountable as quotw and inadequate. and that of course must change. president keir also gave a copy to a presidential order to investigate the incident at the compound. the results of that is due any day now. there are however four military officers and one civilian in custody for looting the tehran compound, but no one has been arrested for sexual assaults, beatings, or the public murder of a south sudanese journalist. one of the victims of sexual assauassault at tehran is from congressional district. aftafter relaying horrible det of the assault by two soldiers, she gave us the name of the soldip soldier whsoldier w