keytytruda is knknown to t treat of thosese cancersrs s tripiple-negativive breast c ca. keytruruda may be e used wiwith chemoththerapy medidics asas treatmentnt before susury and d then contitinued alalone after r surgery whenen you have e early-stage breaeast cancerr and are e at high ririsk of i it coming b back. kekeytruda canan cause your immmmune systemem to attack k healthy paparts of your bobody duringng or after r treatmen. ththis may be e severe and leadad to death.h. see yourur doctor riright awy if youou have cougugh, shortnesess of breatath, chesest pain, didiarrhea, severe stotomach pain,n, sevevere nausea a or vomitin, headacache, light t sensitivi, eye e problems,, irregular r heartbeat,t, extrtreme tiredndness, coconstipationon, dizzzziness or f fainting, changeges in appetetite, thirst, oror urine, confusioion, memory y problem, muscscle pain oror weakness, fever, rasash, ititching, or r flushing.. there mamay be other sidede effects.. tell your r doctor abobout alall your mededical condidit, incl