. >> the kfw, germany's development bank, is funding the project -- not as a loan but as a gift.they're plowing 2.8 million euros into it. without that money, the project wouldn't be profitable for eletrosul. it would be too expensive, compared to other energy sources. >> it's about triggering projects and markets. the 2.8 million is a comparatively small sum when you consider the kind of market that could develop here, and the climate-friendly effect, from which german industry can ultimately also profit if it can sell its products competitively here. >> until just recently, these photovoltaic panels would have cost twice as much. the drop in prices in the sector makes solar power competitive even against hydro power. at least once a week eletrosul manager franklin fabricio lago flies out to his building sites. the power company is building several small plants. brazil gets about 80% of its electricity from hydro power. that makes the country the frontrunner in renewable energy. but in periods of drought, like the one ten years ago, that source of energy isn't reliable. >> we ne