hello to all viewers of khabar kott network as its name suggests, the address is a place where accidents happen a lot. there is a slight difference on the number of these accident-prone points. for example, the police announced earlier this year that there are 522 wet accident spots in the country, of which 887 are high-risk spots. however, the road organization has identified 887 high-risk spots and announced that they are accident-prone spots. but the issue that is clear is that these high incident points are high incident points. they have a lot in the increase of accidents and deaths. today, the parliament passed a resolution based on which the supreme council of transportation, the supreme council of transportation coordination and road safety is required to plan for 10% of deaths. this council held a meeting two weeks ago, on the 10th of october, and approved that 40 accident-prone spots be corrected by the end of the year. according to what the highway organization has announced, 14 accident-prone points have been corrected so far and 400 will be corrected by the end of the year,