www.w.police.ir or the organization's channel in the message of the domestic media under the sign khabar sarbarim get the latest related news. to monitor important news about immigrants, to investigate and deal with various issues of the daily life of afghan citizens in iran, and to see the reports broadcasted in this news section and our channels in the virtual space, it is enough to refer to the head of the police, rah kegir ahmad. according to the law, any car that transports unauthorized vehicles will be impounded for 6 months in the first instance and 12 months in the second instance. thank you for your attention. good night and god bless you. in the past , we used to put watermelon eggs, melon eggs, sanjad manjad, and sit on the chair. they help each other so to speak, they cooperate, they strengthen the relationship , it makes these families stay together in friendship. all these customs are just so that we don't forget that we can overcome hardships together with love and happiness and live the happiness and love that people like razi miss , what would you like us to do for you, let's ha