since khadijah when liquid magnolia cup, a lot has changed here and with the other riders and khadijahto so many otherjockeys, i am nowhere near the level so i am trying to better my riding. ebony horse club is tucked away in the middle of brixton, just around the corner from peckham where middle of brixton, just around the cornerfrom peckham where khadijah grew up. other riders seen khadijah, many of them have seen her right here and they have ridden with her and been on trips with her, and they know she is a really important part of the club so the fact they have seen of the club so the fact they have seen hergo on of the club so the fact they have seen her go on to win a race and really start forging a career, it is amazing for them. she really start forging a career, it is amazing forthem. she is really start forging a career, it is amazing for them. she is from the same part of london as them and she has gone through all the same challenges they are going through now so challenges they are going through now so having that connection to someone now so having that connection to some