he obeys his wife because these are chosen animals, for example, that khalbi is very damaged in life and has turned to superstitions. we did, for example, in fact, there is one situation, another situation where he always has the right of way with a car, and with his car, he always has the right of way with his friend. by the way, we discussed very carefully. in relation to that character, i thought that why should we go to the animals and why should we not use more realistic characters, and how good it was that we asked this question to see the animals and the dolls, and they are completely real. engineered to be chosen. due to the fact that these have the ability to be internationalized , they have the ability to be understood by both children and adults, and they are actually an example of what actually happens to different classes, for example, the thorn in our back that has a plan of emotional deprivation, this is completely a choice based on those thorns that when he gets close to someone, he hurts others and he is lonely. i think these choices were very well thought out, even