well, the iranian foreign minister, i'm sure you're aware khalid kadumi, has been a regional tour and he has met uh the resistance groups in particular hezbollah. and uh he said uh, but this is going back number of hours ago that there's still maybe time to prevent the israeli uh killing machine from continuing its killings, he didn't use that word, but he said time is running out. uh, he did also say hezbollah and resistance fighters are ready, which he called could be a political quake, if they were drawn into the war, and uh, to use his words, uh, they have their hand uh on the their finger is on the trigger to shoot. how close are we to that? well, israel left no places without enmity, they bombarded through the sovereign borders, they violated those borders, they assassinated scientists in tunisia, in malaysia, in iran, in iraq, in, they they assassinated political figures in their in uniform. so the the hizbullah and other resistance movement and powers, they are in the line of of defensing them defeat defensing themselves against those israeli atrocities. well, i would say that