i'll let khalid undre share his story.'ve got ten beehives in the back garden. my name's khalid undre, and i've been beekeeping for 13 years. bees buzz so we started with six hives in harrow weald and then we found a place in epping forest where we could put our hives. one thing led to another and then we were getting invites from all over the place, really. so we ended up from six hives to over 300 hives. we're going to lift the frame and just see the hive and see how the bees are doing. i've always wanted to, you know, get into growing crops and having a bit of land, getting my wellies on and digging holes to plant trees. and that sort of moved from a hobby to a bit more of a part time role that i enjoyed doing. bees buzz they're fascinating. there's so much to learn about them. as soon as daylight hits their entrance, they're out to forage for nectar and pollen. there's plenty of room for more beehives and beekeepers around. there's not enough people doing it, really. maybe you do something to help wildlife where you ar