prophets and messengers muhammad, may allah bless him and grant him peace, from the scope of imam khamina his last speech in which he stated that i wealth is still covered by invaders and enemies and therefore it behoves us as nation to have this great prophet muhammad, peace be upon him and his progeny, whom allah chose and selected as the most honorable of allah's creation, so that he is the most honorable of his creation, and his nation is the best and most honorable of nations. this has several pillars, among these pillars are independence, sovereignty, lack of fear towards others, unity and the ability to use wealth. this is what... the greatest prophet did when he united the nation after it had been fighting among family, tribe, clan and peoples and made of them a harmonious, united nation that leads the features of morals, science and knowledge to the world. today we are called upon once again to unit our ranks, align ourselves, invest our wealth, prevent our enemy from exploiting us and to make this nation nation that exsudes, the scent of science, knowledge, technology and develo