it will help that khan madde, well, with the reference to the indicators that will be announced , they will be aware of the extent of the measurement discussion that we will do, where the indicator will be announced, and the contributions will be announced in the system itself and in the discussion of the school's website. and the grade that will be given to the school, what grade this school has and what points it got in what indicators according to the interest of the family. from this it is possible that in a school in egypt , the family is interested in the area of space, equipment and facilities that the school has, not another family , it is more important on educational and educational issues, and in total, these indicators that we will announce are the attendance of students in the school. based on the point of view of the parents themselves , they will be aware of the school situation and the discussion of the benefits that the school pursues, and they will be informed about the enrollment of students in this school. accurate delivery of part quality education, educational i