kharkiv human rights group regarding the detention and the relevant procedures appeared. so now we are joined by the chairman of the board of the ukrainian helsinki union for human rights, the director of the kharkiv orthodox human rights group p yevgeny i congratulate you on the second glory good day well, what was the public position of the kharkiv human rights group regarding, so to speak , the specifics of the detention and the possibility of extradition of konstantin zhivago, please explain the position of the kharkiv human rights defenders well, i want to say what else in in july of last year, i wrote a rather large conclusion regarding the political motives of the criminal prosecution of konstantin zhovaga and published it. i was struck by the actions of our president against kostyantina zhuvaga i think you can remember his trip together with uh to the then minister vladyslav kokli on kraz where he said why is he sitting there let him come we will pray we will cancel everything you understand you ca n't treat the rule uh if he is in something guilty, yes, it is necessary to vote on the accusation, to prove guilt to the extent that it is possible to present a well -founded suspicion, after that, to collect evidence, to