german fascists but the first capital survived and kept ukraine in its heart then and now kharkiv unconquered ukraine glory to ukraine everyone talks about supporting our country ukraine defends the whole world from the russians we always defended democracy and created democratic constitution, 10% of world grain exports are provided by ukraine, we accelerate the global digital transformation and were the first in the world to create a state in a smartphone and today we democratic values and our victory united the whole world, which knows that ukraine is a country of free people - a victory for volunteers from grateful ukrainians, every ukrainian became, if not a soldier, then a volunteer acts every day, someone collects money, someone helps boys and girls for work, someone saves animals you are ready with your hearts, you erase the borders between states, all the light of our victory to the volunteer race has no translation all ukraine thanks you this video will last 30 seconds during this time they save dozens of lives since the beginning of the war, we have opened to all heroes in white coats ukraine i