friend khayat, translated from yakut as a sheer rock, the 80-meter turukh khaya is both a well-known sights of the kurdish region for tourists and a sacred place for ikuts, the yakuts, because to this day most of them are still pagans and any unusual place in nature is their yakut temple, and such as the rock of hay's hands and even more so its top is the right place where the pagan gods see and hear you and where they make their most secret dreams. cpg or wooden or stone pillars, which since ancient times designate a sacred place srga stand by the road or on the passes along the length they make a sacrifice of spirits to the owner of this place, these can be coins, ribbons or pebbles, sometimes that the russian heart unbearably splashes wine in the old days with erg set for vip horses or for a fantastic winged horse, like on an avatar, but from something humpbacked , ordinary people were not allowed to look at him since ancient times in yakutia there was a floor. wild tapuna horse breeding, horses, all year round were on the free pasture you nevki even in winter they got their own f