, khayl, khayl seme, mnkom, mnkomykh, khaylko, mikhail semenko, basically, let them watch. in a panicwill shout poems, right in the womb of panic, i will shout poems, ladies will plow, i want hall savages, fall in love anyway, ukrainians , your vanguard, will take away the snoto, they will go to you every day as if to work, because i am poetry, because i am poetry, because i am poetry, i am the poetry of the cult. art, why even though it will tear out the heart, the futurists will tear, bend, drive, break, at the wedding of the kurbas , they were married as a witness, i need money, i will collect so that the theater is not for, sit here and listen, i will water the kabzar, just so that to put it simply, the generation is new, well, try to stop it, so i deliberately chose lyuba itself... a track dedicated to mykhailo semenko, because i it is interesting to know how you actually perceive such aesthetics and such an approach, such optics, how you perceived this project and in particular this track about semenka, but i saw it in the news, i did not see that some kind of wave started there