shamo and khdir had been giving migrants instructions on telegram.misuse on its platform. camera shutter clicks. so, we know the smugglers from caerphilly could access fake documents and we wanted to find out for ourselves how easy that would be. back in iraq, our undercover reporter has found a man on tiktok who says he can provide fake passports for migrants. he calls himself bawar and claims to be from cardiff. he says he buys genuine passports from drug addicts and he says he sometimes steals the details from dead people. notification tone dings. translation: my brother, | we have by plane from france to britain — for yourself only. 0ur undercover reporter says he has a relative who wants to fly to the uk on a false passport. we guarantee no stoppage orfingerprinting. translation: 0k, my brother. very good. this is what i am looking for. if you could tell me the price, i'll be grateful. my brother, the amount is $8,000 and you can easily deposit the amount in any transfer office you want. when you leave the airport in the uk, you release the mone