flows down your hand, it’s very tasty, he sits and says: kharin, isn’t this khinkali, isn’t this khenkali what kind of khenkali my mother has, learn why you have one onion here, he says why one a lot of onions, well, i just remember the time when books were held in high esteem, so everyone collected libraries, kari u... karina was the best, everyone knew about it, and at that time i was studying and during my studies i needed a calderon , i ran to karina, i said: karina, help me, i beg you, help me out i need a calderon, see if you have a calderon or not, if you don’t find it, i don’t know what to do, karina, that’s all, this is death for me, she says, wait, light, don’t die, sit, sit, coffee , have a drink, i ’ll take a look now, she ran into another room, came back 5 minutes later, she said, she didn’t find any light, she didn’t find colderron, she brought analgin, well, you know, she came to me, i was thinking where to take her, and i took her to the zoo , wonderful, beautiful place, she’s like a child, she fed these ducks, like, like, like, like, like, everyone here, everyone here, i’